Not so sure there is a credible connection to be found between $$ spent (or racial integration) and educational performance. If you want an underlying cause for the varying degrees of educational performance, the best indicator I have found in my limited experience is whether the student is from a traditional nuclear family - or a single parent home.
Yes, as I say in the piece, school funding (after a certain point) doesn't seem to correlate with improved student performance. And yes, there's evidence that having two parents at home is correlated with better outcomes, although I don't know that there's evidence of a causal relationship. But I prefer to focus on what schools can do directly to improve outcomes, using curricula and teaching methods that line up with cognitive science -- and there's a LOT they can do, as compared to what they can do, e.g., to boost the number of traditional nuclear families.
Fair enough, to be honest I haven't much in the way of solutions - but I can offer you some ideas on what the schools are doing wrong. I wrote a blog last year, the first half of which addresses schools. Not sure you will agree with much in there, but I suspect you will find it interesting. If you have 5 minutes, check it out.
Regarding reading comprehension flood the schools with content videos for prior knowledge background knowledge to compensate for limited prior knowledge background knowledge parents
Not so sure there is a credible connection to be found between $$ spent (or racial integration) and educational performance. If you want an underlying cause for the varying degrees of educational performance, the best indicator I have found in my limited experience is whether the student is from a traditional nuclear family - or a single parent home.
Yes, as I say in the piece, school funding (after a certain point) doesn't seem to correlate with improved student performance. And yes, there's evidence that having two parents at home is correlated with better outcomes, although I don't know that there's evidence of a causal relationship. But I prefer to focus on what schools can do directly to improve outcomes, using curricula and teaching methods that line up with cognitive science -- and there's a LOT they can do, as compared to what they can do, e.g., to boost the number of traditional nuclear families.
Fair enough, to be honest I haven't much in the way of solutions - but I can offer you some ideas on what the schools are doing wrong. I wrote a blog last year, the first half of which addresses schools. Not sure you will agree with much in there, but I suspect you will find it interesting. If you have 5 minutes, check it out.
Regarding reading comprehension flood the schools with content videos for prior knowledge background knowledge to compensate for limited prior knowledge background knowledge parents