The Black Hole At The Center Of Biden’s Education Plan
There's nothing about educating students between the ages of five and 18.
There’s a curious gap in the middle of President Biden’s recently unveiled education plan. It would provide $200 billion for “universal, high-quality” preschool for three- and four-year-olds. And it would spend about $300 billion over ten years to cover two years of community college and support colleges serving historically disadvantaged minorities. But aside from a few billion for teacher training, there’s nothing about educating students between the ages of five and 18.
No doubt political considerations are a big reason. The K-12 education reform efforts of previous administrations—including the one in which Biden served as vice-president—are generally considered failures. No Child Left Behind, the Common Core, and support for charter schools didn’t achieve the hoped-for results and simultaneously provoked widespread opposition. Why would any savvy politician wade back into that morass?
The somewhat less controversial terrain of preschool and community college must look appealing by comparison—and some students would undoubtedly benefit. But probably not most. Free preschool and community college can work on a large scale in countries where the K-12 education system functions well. But in the U.S., two-thirds of 4th and 8th graders test below proficient in reading, and we’ve made no progress in raising overall high school achievement or closing the enormous gap in test scores between students at the upper and lower ends of the socioeconomic spectrum.
Efforts to improve education before kindergarten and after 12th grade will be largely undermined by what is happening—or not happening—in between. Yes, we’ve tried many things, but not the one thing science tells us can work—namely, building children’s academic knowledge and vocabulary through a coherent curriculum at the elementary level.
Evidence on the effects of preschool in the U.S. is decidedly mixed. Children often start kindergarten with an advantage, but by third grade it generally disappears, a phenomenon known as preschool fadeout. A White House fact sheet on Biden’s plan cites one study that did find positive effects as late as 7th grade on math scores, enrollment in honors courses, and grade retention. But the researchers characterized these effects as “rather modest,” and they were “troubled by the relative paucity of benefits for Black middle school students.” The other study, characterized by the White House as finding that “low-income children who attend [preschool] do better in math and reading as late as eighth grade,” found “modest” increases only in math—not reading. Preschool may have benefits, but a lasting academic boost isn’t one of them.
Like preschool, free community college could be a good investment, but in the U.S. more than two-thirds of enrolling students are required to take remedial math or English classes that don’t earn credit. Most never graduate, and fewer than 25% of all students at two-year colleges complete a degree within three years. Presumably Biden is aware of all this, since the title of the First Lady’s doctoral dissertation was “Student Retention at the Community College,” and it cites lack of academic preparation as a major challenge.
It’s been pointed out that many other developed countries have already adopted free or low-cost preschool and college. But their systems differ in significant ways from ours. The French experience with preschools that begin at age two, known as écoles maternelles, is particularly illuminating.
As E.D. Hirsch, Jr., explains in his book Why Knowledge Matters, French preschools have long built children’s academic knowledge and vocabulary by having teachers read aloud from books organized around specific topics and lead discussions. French students did well on international tests, and the gap between haves and have-nots was relatively small. At one time research showed, Hirsch says, “that if a disadvantaged child started at age two, that same child by age ten will be ahead of a middle-class child who started at age three, and will have almost caught up with a highly advantaged child who started at age four!”
But in 1989, the government declared that French elementary schools would no longer follow the prescribed state curriculum, which had continued to introduce substantive knowledge in a logical sequence. Instead, each school would decide its own focus, and “the emphasis was to be on skills, not facts.” The result was an overall decline in performance and a growing gap between rich and poor, even though nothing else in the system had changed. The French government inadvertently provided a further advantage to children of more highly educated parents—who were able to continue to acquire academic knowledge at home—and caused others to fall behind.
That’s essentially what American elementary schools have been doing as well, especially over the last twenty years. The high-stakes reading and math tests ushered in by No Child Left Behind have only exacerbated an already heavy focus on reading comprehension “skills” like “finding the main idea,” which are practiced for hours every week while potentially knowledge-building subjects like social studies, science, and the arts fall by the wayside.
It’s possible to make up for gaps in academic knowledge at higher grade levels, but it can be a heavy lift. And the usual assumption is that students who are behind in “reading” just need more practice in comprehension skills—when usually what they need is better instruction in sounding out words and more academic knowledge. The result is that many graduate from high school without the knowledge and skills to do college-level work.
Community colleges, too, often assume that students who are behind in “reading” just need practice “finding the main idea” in remedial classes. Let’s hope Biden’s plan, if enacted, will entail a switch from that approach to one that supports struggling students in credit-bearing classes, which has been shown to work better. But why not try to give them what they need during the thirteen years they’ll have already spent in school?
There’s an important distinction between American community colleges and colleges in other countries that offer free or low-cost tuition: in the U.S., pretty much anyone with a high school diploma or the equivalent can enroll. Only Canada has a system that is somewhat similar, but many community college students there have transferred from four-year colleges because they’re looking for a more practical education. In any event, because Canadian high school students are better prepared for college than those in the U.S., “low preparedness” is “not an issue” there, a Canadian researcher told the Washington Post.
Using the power of the federal government to improve education is tricky. In the U.S., curriculum and instruction are traditionally matters of local control, and that’s where change needs to come. But Biden and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona could at least start talking about the real reasons for the “achievement gap” and what elementary schools could do to narrow it. They could also point to the example of Louisiana, which has not only created its own content-focused English language arts curriculum but is experimenting with standardized reading tests that are grounded in it. Ideally, they would incentivize other states to undertake similar efforts.
"Twelve years [of education] is no longer enough … to compete with the rest of the world in the 21st Century," Biden told Congress when announcing his American Families Plan. But if the rest of the world is doing a much better job with those twelve years, four additional years is unlikely to make a difference. And if we stop wasting so many precious hours on largely meaningless “skills” in elementary school and beyond, we may find that twelve years is plenty of time to equip students for jobs that enable both them and the United States to thrive.
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